Dice GameDate: 10/10/2023
In this project we learned how to use random intergers to get the sum and percentage of
two random dice rolls
Taco TruckDate: 11/9/2023
We learned how to use radio buttons and if statements. We used these to collect
the order of the customer and the stats of all customers.
BMI CalculaterDate: 10/27/2023
We made a program to calculate the BMI of the user. We did this by asking for their height
and their weight.
Rock Paper Scissor Lizard SpockDate: 10/27/2023
We created a program that could play the game "Rock Paper Scissor Lizard Spock"
We used if statements to make the game run.
Test Score ProjectDate: 10/4/2023
We made a program to calculate two test scores to find the average grade and the best test score.
Craps GameDate: 9/8/2023
We recreated the casino game "Craps" This game uses dice to get the sum of a number.
To simulate the randomness of two dice we used the random function.
Car Rental ProjectDate: 9/19/2023
We made a program that could calculate the amount to rent a used car by taking both the miles driven
and days used.
Goodbye ProjectDate: 9/19/2023
We made a program that could say "Goodbye" in several different languages.
Madlibs ProjectDate: 9/11/2023
We made a program that could make a madlibs could create a story with user input.
Mailing ProjectDate: 9/19/2023
We made a program that would take the information of the person and organize it.